1800 987 948

Coming Soon: Creaming Soda V2

NZST - 12:00 AM

07 May 2013

We are very pleased to announce CreamingSoda Version 2 will be made available in the next few days - bringing to close an era of hard work on our innovative Automatic Revision Control System.

Starting with CreamingSoda 2, there will be a new 'Professional' edition and a 'Standard' version which is feature equivalent to the current release. Pricing for new copies of the standard version will stay the same and the Professional version will be $39.99 for a downloadable installer.

Anyone with a current and valid license for the original CreamingSoda will receive a freeCreamingSoda v2 Professional license. Excludes Trial licenses or copies purchased after May 09, 2013.

New in both editions is a command-line only installation option, as well as the ability to easily 'check out' any build and accompanied revisions to any location on the users file systems. Other features include more user configurable fine-tuning of the revision engine (to increase or decrease the amount of revision checks) and some minor interface work.

The Professional version brings a wealth of new features to the table, which are designed around making working in a corporate infrastructure easier.

These include: Standalone file archives for easier backups; the ability to save commits to an FTP or SQL server; more licensing options for larger businesses; and

customers working on sensitive information can now optionally encrypt their repositories with a custom password (a very powerful feature when combined with FTP read/write access).

Additionally, all CreamingSoda features will be available on Linux and Mac OS X in addition to the Microsoft Windows platform (The initial release will be available for Windows later this week, with Mac OS and Linux following soon after).

We are very excited by this new version and we will continue to expand CreamingSoda with new and innovative features.