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Christchurch Earthquake

Auckland - 12:00 AM

01 March 2011

In the wake of last week's harrowing tragedy, many small business owners will now be looking towards recovery and how they can ensure their business continues in these difficult times.

For business looking at building an online presence as an alternative way to operate, we are now offering a helping hand from Conspire Web Services. Where possible, we will waive any design and development fees for companies affected by the tragedy.

This offer will be determined on a case-by-case basis and while we may not be able to offer free services to everyone - we will offer those individuals or companies we cannot help for free a greatly discounted rate.

Friends and family looking to setup a memorial website as a way to tell the world about your loved ones will receive free design and development.

Unfortunately we cannot offer free hosting and domain registration for this cause as these incur ongoing wholesale fees with our central registration authority. However we will do our best to work with businesses that are really struggling to make ends meet, to come up with an affordable solution.

With this in mind, anyone looking to utilize this offer may need to set aside a small amount for domain registration and hosting. Anyone that already has hosting and a registered domain may still apply for this offer, but you may need to transfer hosting to us if the current setup isn't up to scratch for the project in mind.

If you'd like more information or would like to apply, please contact us.