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Re-usuable PHP User Interface Components for coders

Flexible user interface design

Easily build HTML/CSS user interfaces with pure PHP code

Easily create tabbed pages, data tables forms and more - all in a few lines of code. Each component is completely controllable via PHP code, reducing the need for working with split PHP/HTML files. The entire suite has a set of built in themes, designed to complement your site design, all from a single line of code. The themes are also fully customisable and you can even build your own - directly from your PHP code.





Built-in Styles


Stunning Themes

The ConspireComponents suite comes with a range of fantastic themes, all loadable from a single line of code, ready to slot straight into your existing site color scheme.

Clean & Efficient Code

The ConspireComponents suite is a cost-effective and powerful way to represent your data - using pure PHP classes.

Designer Flexibility

Each control allows you to modify it's appearance and behavior, from CSS styling to automatic data validation on forms - and everything in between.
Software Edition:
Select an edition

Personal Suite


Buy License 
All Components Included
Non-Commercial License

Personal Use

Commercial / Business Use

Application Coding

For your personal blog, sports club, charity or school website!

Table Component

Powerful, dynamic tables - in minutes!

The table component allows you to easily output data in a clear and efficient way.


Data Filtering


SQL Databases

CSV File Load

Array / String

Tabs / Paging

Reduce Page Complexity

Easily manage information on your pages and reduce page complexity ten-fold!


Load URL

String / HTML

SQL Databases

Flexible Layout


Tree Widget

Build relationships into your data

Show data in hierachial way to ensure your customers see how your data points relate to each other.

Nest Nodes

Open / Close

Data Filtering

No Depth Limit

HTML support



include 'conspirecomponents/conspire.tree.php';
$table = new conspire_tree();
$table->setTitle('Tree Demo');
$table->addBranch('PNode1''Parent 1');
$table->addBranch('CNode1''Child 1''PNode1');
$table->addBranch('SNode1''Sub Child 1''CNode1');
$table->addBranch('SNode2''Sub Child 2''CNode1');
$table->addBranch('CNode2''Child 2''PNode1');
$table->addBranch('PNode2''Parent 2');
$table->addBranch('CNode3''Child 3''PNode2');


Form Builder

Collection information!

Easily process user submitted data and de-stress management of form results and data validation.

Save to file

Email results

Save to SQL

PHP Callbacks

Data Validation



include 'conspirecomponents/conspire.form.php';
$table = new conspire_form();
$table->addField('Number''Numerical Characters Only');
